One Life with Donny Raus
Welcome to "One Life With Donny Raus," a podcast where I delve into the art of living a fulfilling and meaningful life. Each episode, I share personal stories from my journeys around the world and in life, each designed to spark self-reflection and inner truth. Guests from all walks of life to share their unique experiences and insights on how they've followed their path, overcome obstacles and found their purpose. The purpose of the podcast is to inspire you to take control of your life, connect with your heart's longings and live a life that's true to yourself. Join me on this journey of self-reflection, inner truth and discovering what truly matters in life.
294 episodes
The Power to Tell The Future: Open Your Eyes to The Blessings In Your Day
You have the ability to time travel. Don’t believe me? In this episode, I’ll show you how a simple shift in perspective can transport you into the future, revealing the things you’ll one day miss—so you can start appreciating them now, before t...

Don’t Judge a City by Its Travelers: 3 Lessons I Learned in Jakarta on How to Live a More Fulfilling Life
Have you ever wondered what incredible experiences might be waiting for you? In this episode I will take you on a journey through the bustling streets of Jakarta, sharing powerful lessons on breaking free from biases, living curiously, and embr...
Episode 293

Into the Silence: Discovering Your Path Through the Power of Silence
In this episode, we delve into the power of silence and how it helps you tune out the "noise" of life—the distractions, demands, and inner chatter pulling you in every direction. In the quiet, you come face to face with yourself, gaining clarit...

Finding Joy in the Journey: The Power of Purpose and Pauses
In this episode, we explore how simply 'doing things' can sometimes diminish satisfaction. We discuss the importance of taking breaks to recharge, finding a deeper purpose behind your work, and celebrating small wins along the way. Tune in to d...

All Is Possible - The Map to Having Your Best Year Ever
What if you could could have anything you wanted, but it required you to decide right here and now. What would you wish for? It is a new year and all options are on the table. The only requirement is for you to decide on what it is you want and...

Leaping Forward: How Embracing Fear Leads to Growth
Welcome to today's episode! We're diving into the idea that stepping into fear is never a step backward—it's a leap forward toward growth and opportunity. I’ll be sharing a story about a friend of mine who recently took a bold move, leaving the...

Law of Attraction Demystified - The Only Way to Make Your Desires Reality
"Law of Attraction" often gets misconstrued, because it is associated to the belief that if I want it, I can make it happen by thought alone. Thought can bring the opportunities, but there is another component often missed that must happen firs...

Hero's Journey - Align With Your Journey While Erasing Stress, Overwhelm, and Self Critical Thoughts
We live in an age where everything we want (almost) is right at our fingertips and a click away. This instant gratification can lead you to believe that all of life is supposed to be the same way, easy and quick, but this is so far from the tru...

Family Matters - Finding the Blessing in the Most Challenging of Times
When hard times arise (and they will) you can easily get lost in the worry, angst, and fear. However, if you look hard and a little deeper, you'll uncover a gift waiting to be opened. In this episode I will share how one serious massive surgery...

Daily Dose - The Cure All to Isolation, Sadness, and Poor Health
What if I told you that you can improve your health and happiness with the simple act of a hug? Might seem far fetched, but science has proven that hugs increase the happiness chemicals in your body. Now what if I told you there was an even mor...

Actions Speak Priorities - How to Make Aligned Choices That Move Your Life Forward
Every day we have a face a multitude of decision around what actions we take and what we focus on. When faced with. these decisions, it is important to be conscious of the tradeoff, so that it is improving your life based on what you value and ...

In Your Prime - How to Attract Success to Your Day
If you want to consistently have a good day, one of the best tools you could learn is priming. Just like you prime an engine before starting, when you prime your mind, you're allowing the emotional state you create to positively impact everythi...

Out of The Weeds - How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Back to Your Goals
We all get tunnel vision where we get lose and are unsure how to move forward. This will happen without you doing anything. For this reason it is important to have a strategy to pull yourself back up when you fall. In this podcast I will share ...

Aligned Actions - The Only Way to TurnYour Dreams Into Reality
There is only one way your dreams will ever become your reality and it all resides in the actions you take. To make progress towards a desire you must first know what that desire is. It sounds simple, because it is. In this episode I will help ...

(Special Episode) Rock the Casbah - The Ancient Medinas of Morocco and What They’ll Teach You About Life.
One of my favorite growth experiences is travel. Through travel, you never come back the same person, constantly expanding who you are becoming. My most recent trip to Morocco, like so many other trips I have taken, was an amazing adventure and...

Get You Mojo - How to Get Unstuck and Regain Momentum in All Areas of Life.
Anything you want in life is going to require momentum. Think of a rocket taking off. It is the thrust of its rockets that allow it to break through the earths atmosphere and go into orbit. The same is true of you, when you have momentum, you r...

Problem Detective - How To Resolve Life's Problems
If you're living, you will encounter problems. Problems are funny, because so many of us avoid them. However, what if problems offered something more? What if they were opportunities for growth? What if the problem was the way to doing/being/ha...

Feeling Lost? How to Find Your Way Back Home
There is so much noise in the world and so many influences trying to sway you in one direction or another. When that happens, the most important thing you can do is remember where your home is. When I refer to home, what I mean is remembering y...

Change Strategy - What To Do When You No Longer Want What You Wanted
What do you do when you're spiraling downward? Do you sit there in the discomfort? Do you distract yourself? There are many different coping mechanisms, but not all area created equal. I find that for myself, most of the stress comes from unrea...

What's The Objective - Mind Taking You Away From the Task at Hand? How to Realign With Your Power…
You have a task to do, but you feel like and your mind is pointing out everything that is wrong. What do you do? Our minds like to wander. That's just their nature, but when it is taking us away from the very thing we need to do, then it become...

The Turnaround - Gratitude Is the Antidote
Feeling anxious, like your world is caving in around you? If so, then the likely diagnosis is that you're suffering from lack of gratitude. Gratitude is the magic that will turn your life right around and give you all the riches you desire. The...

Just Commit - Proven Process For Getting Results
What do you want? What actions have you taken to move in that direction. This could be scary, but when you realize the magic in forward momentum, you will be excited at each new step taken. In this episode I will share my journey into crafting ...

Somebody To Lean On - When You Need to Pick You Up When Your Down
What do you do when you're in an emotional spiral downward?? Do you sit there in the discomfort? Do you distract yourself? There are many different coping mechanisms, but not all area created equal. I find that for myself, most of the stress co...

The "Real" Journey - Discouraged? Here’s the Truth About the Path. Just Keep Going.
When you're looking at highlight reels on social media, it is easy to fall into the false belief that the challenges you're facing mean that things aren't working. The reality is that the path to your goals is rarely straight. In fact, it resem...

Other Side of Fear - How to Integrate and Realign With Your Truth
If you're putting your attention to the world around you, it will have you doubting not only the gifts and achievements you've already made, but your true life path. In this episode I share wisdom on how to understand where you are on this spec...